Contacts of admissions committees

We love English and French

As part of the study of the subject “Foreign Language” at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography by a group of teachers of English and French languages of the college-school PE Ilyasova Z.K., Kypshakbaeva A.K. and Korzhunova S.K. an extra-curricular event “We love English and French” was organized and conducted, aimed at creating conditions for the development and activation of creative, cognitive, intellectual initiative of students in the study of foreign languages and their involvement in creative activities in this direction.

At the festival of English and French, the students especially reacted to the work of the great poet, philosopher, enlightener, composer, founder of Kazakh literature Abay Kunanbaev, whose creative heritage enriched the history and culture of the Kazakh people, becoming its real spiritual heritage. The children brilliantly recited the verses of Abay in the studied foreign languages, with a sense of conveying the deep essence of his creative heritage.
