Contacts of admissions committees

We are the one family!

In order to form a sense of collectivism, mutual respect, as well as cohesion of the Academy’s students living in the Academy’s boarding school, the Department of educational work and social issues conducted a socio-psychological training “We are the one family!”.

The training is aimed at the formation of students of the Academy of the ability to act together and solve current problems together, as well as the training contributed to the creation of informal ties and interpersonal sympathies.

Participants of the training listened to parables about the power of unity and mutual understanding. Pupils of the Academy actively shared their views on the topic under discussion.

There were presented a short video in which the characters of the film were able to save their lives only through unity, cohesion and mutual support.

The children actively participated in various psychological games for cohesion and mutual understanding.

The trainings, which ended with incendiary musical flash mobs were organized at different times for all students of the Academy living in a boarding school.
