Contacts of admissions committees

Mission: The Committee of Youth Affairs (CYA) is engaged in creating appropriate conditions for the comprehensive development of students, increasing their spiritual, moral, intellectual potential, social status, forming patriotism, democratic culture and civic consciousness among students, consolidating active youth around the idea of an independent Kazakhstan, direction energy of students in a constructive direction.

Goals and objectives of the Committee of Youth Affairs:

  • developing students’ skills and abilities of self-government, preparing them for competent and responsible participation in the life of society;
  • formation of civic culture, active civic position of students, assistance in the development of their social maturity, independence, ability to self-organization and self-development;
  • education of an educated, active and conscientious citizen, a patriot of his country;
  • protection and representation of the rights and interests of students;
  • preservation and development of democratic traditions of students;
  • providing support to talented and gifted youth;
  • assistance in the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students.

The main functions of Committee of Youth Affairs:

  • The Committee of Youth Affairs participates in various actions, events in conjunction with other youth organizations.
  • Organization of events for the implementation of the State Youth Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring the observance of the rights and social protection of student youth.
  • Coordination of the activities of public organizations of the Academy, self-government bodies and interest clubs.
  • Organization of events for the prevention of religious extremism, delinquency among student youth and the fight against corruption.
  • Organization of events for socio-political, moral, ethnocultural education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Organization of recreational and educational activities in order to prevent tobacco smoking and reduce the number of smokers among students, to combat drug addiction.
  • Cooperation with the faculties of the Academy, organization of joint events.
  • Organization of events aimed at instilling elements of culture and creative worldview, respect for elders, moral and psychological impact.