Contacts of admissions committees

Social networking: benefit or hazard

The classroom hours “Social networking: benefit or hazard” were held by 7th and 9th grades pupils among the Academy’s students on 5 November 2018.

The video films, which calls to think about the role and place of social networks in everyone’s life have been submitted for their attention. Those video films clearly demonstrated the negative side of social networks and warn against excessive immersion in the virtual world. After watching films, students exchanged views on the role and place of social networks in the life of each of them in the format of conversation.

Undoubtedly, social networks can be either useful for the person or bring him considerable moral, physical and sometimes even material damage.

Perhaps it’s time to think about correct organization of your pastime on the Internet.

REMEMBER! Active communication in social networks is only an addition to a full-fledged live communication.

