Contacts of admissions committees

Destructive forces: understand and neutralize

The meeting was held at the “Kazakh national academy of choreography” on the topic “The prevention of the spread of destructive religious ideology in the youth environment through Internet resources.”

The youth environment, due to its social characteristics and acuity of perception of the environment, is that part of society where the accumulation and realization of negative protest potential occurs most quickly. Under the influence of social, political, economic and other factors of the youth environment, the most prone to destructive influence, it is easier to form radical religious views and beliefs. Thus, young citizens join the ranks of extremist and terrorist organizations that actively use youth to their interests, – the organizers say.

In order to prevent this phenomenon, the Academy held an informational meeting of a specialist of the Scientific and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olga Gayko with students of the Academy. During the meeting, students were presented with information on the religious situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the legislative framework that determines the legitimacy of the activities of religious organizations, as well as information on methods of recruiting young people to destructive extremist organizations through social networks, popular video hosting services, and the most relevant Internet content. The speaker also talked about ways to protect against psychological impact, destructive Internet content and methods of checking the reliability of the information coming from them.
