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Dad, Mom and I – sports family!

Family games – one of the most spectacular and exciting sports events. The weekends at the Academy have been active. The pupils of the first classes with their parents took part in the sports festival, “Dad, Mom and I – sports family!”.

On this day, each participant was able to compete in agility, speed, accuracy, strength and resourcefulness. Sports and family holiday was a breeze. Members, supporters and strict jury gathered in the gym. Music, applause and the support of fans – the festive atmosphere was felt throughout.

By results of the competition jury summed up the results. Among the friendship has won team championship!

For any family is crucial time spent together at the same occupation. It was nice to see how fun running and jumping Mom and Dad, like a child to celebrate victories, perhaps even more than their children. And children enjoy parental love and care. Nothing unites a family team, as the desire to win. This holiday will long remain in the memory of the children and their parents.
