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An online training on building resilience for high school students “Stress as a way to become stronger»

On April 10, 2020, a training on building resilience for high school students “Stress as a way to become stronger” was held  successfully.

The event is organized by the Department of educational work and social issues of the Kazakh national academy of choreography. 

Online training for building resilience “Stress as a way to become stronger”

Good afternoon, dear participants of the online training!

The theme of our meeting is “Stress as a way to become stronger”. If you do not go into scientific terminology, stress can be defined as a state of increased tension in a person in response to the impact of problems.

Dear participants of the online training! Before you start working, I ask each of You to answer one question:

Which statement is more consistent with your view of stress?

  1. A) stress is harmful, you should try to avoid It by any means.
  2. B) stress is useful, and It should be accepted and used for good.

Every person has difficulties in life. When faced with them, people behave differently and deal with problems differently:

  1. A) for some — it is a “stroke of fate”, “crash”, ” end»;
  2. B) for others-just “test”, “challenge”, and even”new opportunities”.

Let’s look at the attitudes of successful and famous people to failure and stress.

All over the world, successful, rich, healthy people treat life’s challenges and blows of fate in the same way. Their credo: “Anything that doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” A strong person sees any test and failure as a step of growth.

For example, the world-famous basketball player Michael Jordan was not accepted to the school basketball team as a child, because the coach decided that he had no talent. It was a test. And what did the black kid do? Burst into tears and gave up your favorite sport forever? Not at all! He just started training more. Much more than his peers, happy members of the school team!

QUOTE “In my sporting career, I have missed more than nine thousand times. I lost more than three hundred matches. Twenty-six times I was trusted to make the last throw to make the team win, and I missed. I fail again and again. That’s why I’m a champion!”

These words belong to the greatest athlete of our time, the man-legend Michael Jordan. A great basketball player who earned about five hundred million dollars in his career. A man who became an idol of young people all over the world.

So, from defeat to defeat, from misunderstanding to misunderstanding, from trial to trial, he became an outstanding athlete and champion.

And exactly his words that best describe the attitude of outstanding people to failure.


Thomas Edison. The story of his life is a vivid example of the struggle and overcoming difficulties on the way to the greatest success. In the process of creating the lamp, Edison failed 10,000 times. And he had 1000 reasons to give up. BUT he did not give up and 10001 times he succeeded. Edison himself on this occasion said: “I have not failed 10,000 times I have found 10,000 times what does not work!” Discouraged by failure, when something doesn’t work out, think of the 10,000 failed experiments Edison had to make in order to achieve a solution that changed the face of the world forever.

We know Thomas Edison as the greatest inventor and genius of his era.

But what he went through, you can read in his biography.

There are a lot of people who were not broken even by very difficult trials (veterans of the great Patriotic war, people who survived the siege of Leningrad, disabled people who play sports and take prizes at the Olympics…

I think that you yourself can give many examples of people who have overcome difficult trials with dignity.


Of the clergy about the difficulties ” Lesson of the butterfly»

Once a small crack appeared in the cocoon, and a man who happened to pass by stood for many hours and watched as a butterfly tried to get out through this small crack. After a long time, the butterfly seemed to have abandoned its efforts, and the gap remained just as small. It seemed that the butterfly had done all that it could, and that it had no more strength for anything else.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly came out immediately. But her body was weak and feeble, and her wings were transparent and barely moved.

The man continued to watch, thinking that at any moment the butterfly’s wings would spread and grow stronger and it would fly away. Nothing happened!

For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged its weak body, its unfolded wings, along the ground. She was never able to fly.

And all because the person who wanted to help her did not understand that the effort to get out through the narrow crack of the cocoon, the butterfly needs to pass the liquid from the body into the wings and that the butterfly could fly. Life made it difficult for the butterfly to leave this shell so that it could grow and develop.

Sometimes it is effort that we need in life. If we were allowed to live without difficulties, we would be deprived. We couldn’t have been as strong as we are now. We will never be able to fly.

WATCH THE video “Development through overcoming difficulties”.

Thus, we see that problems that generate stress are very important for development. It’s all about attitude to stress and the ability to turn problems to your advantage.

And the question naturally arises: How to do this and what should I do to overcome stress with benefit for myself?

And now we start the practical part of our online training.

We will figure out how to manage stress and find effective “anger release valves” for you, as well as master the exercise “in each “minus” hidden “pros”.

To prevent impulsive and aggressive actions that only worsen a stressful situation, we recommend finding your “anger release valves”.

In order to successfully cope with difficulties, you need to be able to remove unnecessary stress

In a moment of anger and intense tension, you can use the following methods to relieve tension:

  • Deep breathing

* Beat a sports bag or pillow

  • Walk or run, sport for discharge

* In a deserted place, shout with all your might

  • Contrast shower

* Manual labor

  • Take a walk in the Park, contemplating nature
  • Listen to music

* Talk to a friend, a psychologist

From the above, find an effective way to relieve stress for y

Exercise “in each” minus “three ” pluses”

I really like this exercise, and I recommend that you use it.I myself often use it in my life. It helps to analyze the situation soberly and without unnecessary emotions, evaluate the situation and turn the situation in your favor.

Table compiled by Robinson Crusoe.

