Contacts of admissions committees

140th anniversary of Agrippina Vaganova

The round table was held at the “Kazakh national academy of choreography”, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova, an outstanding teacher and choreographer, the first Russian professor of choreography, the founder of the theory of Russian classical ballet.

From the queen of variations to the professor of choreography, her life was filled with many discoveries and events that left a big mark in the development and history of Russian choreographic art. Vaganova developed her own pedagogical system based on the clarity and meaningfulness of the technique, the rigor of setting the body, the positions of the arms and legs. In the future, this technique became known as the “Vaganova system”. Now, the Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg named after A.Vaganova.

The topics such as the history of life, the creative and educational activities of the “Queen of Variations” were discussed at the round table. The small photo exhibition was organized, as well as the viewing of the documentary film “The Great and Terrible A.Ya. Vaganova”. In turn, a graduate of the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya.Vaganova – Lukovkin Anton Mikhailovich spoke about the traditions of the “Vaganova school”.

The round table was organized under the leadership of Dr. PhD Kenzikeev Ruslan Vladimirovich and first-year undergraduates of the department of directing: Abutalipova Asel, Marabaeva Anel and undergraduates of the department of pedagogy: Kabdullina Erkezhan and Akylbekova Azhar.

