Contacts of admissions committees

The section for supplementary education and competence development was established with the aim to develop and promote the institute of supplementary education on the basis the Academy as well as to create the environment for self-development and competence improvement to its employees.

The key objectives of the section are as follows:

  • effective implementation of supplementary educational programs by the Academy to the various categories of students in groups and individually;
  • to provide the external students with the opportunity to receive the professional training and develop its professional competence;
  • create the necessary environment for Academy employees to acquire new or improve its previously acquired professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

Section Head- Laura Mansurova
Specialist- Leyla Bokayeva

Instagram: @balletacademy_programs
Phone: +7 (7172) 798 587, 798 582

Academy offers the following supplementary educational programs on the paid basis:

  • Choreography for children in groups (groups for children of 6-8 and 9-13 years old)
  • Body ballet for adult students
  • After-school club for Academy students (1-3 grades)
  • Individual piano lessons (for children of 6-14 years old)
  • Group lessons on Math, English and Kazakh languages for Academy students.

Academy offers the competence development programs to external students in the following areas:

  • Classical dance;
  • Competitive ballroom dancing;
  • Kazakh dance;
  • Eastern folk dance
  • Choreography styles teaching and dance staging;
  • Concertmaster skills

Time: during vacations/upon tutor’s agreement

Volume: 36/72 academic hours

The cost of competence development program per 1 student

Academic hours Individually (KZT) Groups (more than 5 people) (KZT) Offsite (more than 15 people) (KZT)
36 40 000 30 000
72 80 000 70 000


